Latest Updates for Clarc’s Invoice Summary
Discover clarity with our updated invoice summary! Track fixed fees, hourly charges, and separated expenses effortlessly. Try Clarc today for a seamless billing experience

The updated invoice summary now offers a clearer breakdown for both fixed fee and hourly charge stages.
It displays two separate totals: one for stages with a fixed contract value and another for the grand total of all invoice amounts to date. Additionally, expenses are now separated out to ensure they are not included in the contract totals.
Let’s take a look an the example below:

Stages 1, 2, and 3 have been designated as fixed fee stages with a set contract value, providing a clear subtotal of both invoiced and remaining amounts.
Stages 3a and 4, billed at an hourly rate without a fixed contract value, are listed separately to show the invoiced amount and current charges only.